package : tis-stretchly
version : 1.51.1-1
architecture : all
section : base
priority : optional
name : Stretchly
categories : Office
maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Ingrid TALBOT
description : Stretchly is a cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working on your computer
depends :
conflicts :
maturity : PROD
locale : all
target_os : macos
min_wapt_version : 2.3
sources :
installed_size : 349538632
impacted_process : Stretchly
description_fr : Stretchly est une application open source multiplateforme qui vous rappelle de faire des pauses lorsque vous travaillez sur votre ordinateur
description_pl : Stretchly to wieloplatformowa aplikacja open source, która przypomina o robieniu przerw podczas pracy na komputerze
description_de : Stretchly ist eine plattformübergreifende Open-Source-Anwendung, die Sie daran erinnert, Pausen zu machen, wenn Sie an Ihrem Computer arbeiten
description_es : Stretchly es una aplicación multiplataforma de código abierto que te recuerda que debes hacer pausas cuando trabajas con el ordenador
description_pt : Stretchly é uma aplicação de código aberto multiplataforma que o lembra de fazer pausas quando trabalha no seu computador
description_it : Stretchly è un'applicazione open source multipiattaforma che ricorda di fare delle pause quando si lavora al computer
description_nl : Stretchly is een cross-platform open source app die je eraan herinnert om pauzes te nemen als je op je computer werkt
description_ru : Stretchly - это кроссплатформенное приложение с открытым исходным кодом, которое напоминает вам о необходимости делать перерывы при работе за компьютером
audit_schedule :
editor : Jan Hovancik
keywords : breaks,working,computer
licence : opensource_free,cpe:/a:bsd:bsd_license,wapt_public
homepage :
package_uuid : fa4a3dad-1552-4c38-99da-61baa268914c
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog :
min_os_version :
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : 42ea98667b44ce66296cf55f8dd2fa9dbff86f69793e967fc8a6786e21519706
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature : xiJ70Zcx0GKl9AOebVSJSG6rvRDsVI2Y51vRRcy7cvcyEyL/+yalEUXNdgjWAzf1qCqNGZDldmbwVdxImIlSVRkP1iABL2nCe8LU0VUjAhMTtN6qWMSQtObXf0CgbnR8BX94XpWMwivWTyGIvNrPqzu6nSr1LqwsVL+4YO3kTUWvtfRCsknsN/VSVVdykPqPvIeHhAslGSOeF2fGmLTGvkSzpkFIzBESJ/HaP2vDaumT4AVzRXhcz8EFkV382EVWHQ/CKN0kE78RWxHhXGk24luEcSfamsjhrDdhYl7QmacqSYhdYEO5//b8XKx7O0uF5kpU2Cpjx+13sD3HyMBDbA==
signature_date : 2024-07-06T15:00:13.698025
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes