package : tis-google-drive
version :
architecture : x64
section : base
priority : optional
name : Google Drive
categories : Utilities,Storage
maintainer : WAPT Team,Tranquil IT,Pierre Cosson,Jimmy PELÉ
description : Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage and sharing service launched by Google
depends :
conflicts :
maturity : PROD
locale : all
target_os : windows
min_wapt_version : 2.3
sources :
installed_size : 526655215
impacted_process : GoogleDriveFS
description_fr : Google Drive est un service de stockage et de partage de fichiers basé sur le cloud et lancé par Google
description_pl : Dysk Google to oparta na chmurze usługa przechowywania i udostępniania plików uruchomiona przez Google
description_de : Google Drive ist ein cloudbasierter Dienst zur Speicherung und Freigabe von Dateien, der von Google eingeführt wurde
description_es : Google Drive es un servicio de almacenamiento y compartición de archivos en la nube lanzado por Google
description_pt : O Google Drive é um serviço de armazenamento e partilha de ficheiros baseado na nuvem lançado pela Google
description_it : Google Drive è un servizio di archiviazione e condivisione di file basato sul cloud lanciato da Google
description_nl : Google Drive is een cloudgebaseerde dienst voor het opslaan en delen van bestanden, gelanceerd door Google
description_ru : Google Drive - это облачный сервис хранения и обмена файлами, запущенный компанией Google
audit_schedule :
editor : Google
keywords : google,drive,cloud,based,file,files,storage,sharing,service
licence : proprietary_free,wapt_public
homepage :
package_uuid : 99f9dc1d-02fa-4f81-a48e-1b9db4a048c2
valid_from :
valid_until :
forced_install_on :
changelog :
min_os_version : 10.0
max_os_version :
icon_sha256sum : ccd4cb56a813f5a9047a2f13f051ebad7ca38b2ed78955e9bed4724b4664053b
signer : Tranquil IT
signer_fingerprint: 8c5127a75392be9cc9afd0dbae1222a673072c308c14d88ab246e23832e8c6bb
signature_date : 2024-12-21T18:18:47.000000
signed_attributes : package,version,architecture,section,priority,name,categories,maintainer,description,depends,conflicts,maturity,locale,target_os,min_wapt_version,sources,installed_size,impacted_process,description_fr,description_pl,description_de,description_es,description_pt,description_it,description_nl,description_ru,audit_schedule,editor,keywords,licence,homepage,package_uuid,valid_from,valid_until,forced_install_on,changelog,min_os_version,max_os_version,icon_sha256sum,signer,signer_fingerprint,signature_date,signed_attributes
signature : RJhv7aA4OgOMAjWMDvk47r/CEHR7LUVcprr+vD0vT3nFu5NOxv434WouZ3+Vs7XJggecj+B6q0DphEk5Z/kX8khsHDDpxpiOZRrwnU9vi3dc435QpLHQ5jzK4bc1EEH8H2cBmop2rpIxpQxjKkhCBNuBZV+Zxade3lC9OW3CLYj2USjrfLkO8NMt7q1aS+mSexc61XSYT7f80x1FAqM9uav1n5c6TPZrO+lWrklzjwOLDhadm5pkD74fYPpwqzLKn/H3VA8IdeJIzLjo5P32te3wBEyetzAoR10UzRXUGO3emZX+qNePlHkbp/Sgv6Qz5FInHjUMxptJBseXa+FyeQ==