Changelog -> ------------------------------------ [FIX] reporting [install_status] property not found * exception was triggered on new queries if column name contains some specific keywords for image index guessing. * 'status' 'result' 'reachable', 'platform' 'os_name' [IMP] wgetwads calc wads.exe url using rules.json and GetSecondaryRepo like in wads instead of requesting waptserver with a redirect? * handle the issuse where https is redirected use http:// by default instead of https for the proposed url of secondary repositories * there is no easy way to distribute a server CA for secondary repositories [FIX] when calculating secondary repo URL on server, keep the protocol of default URL only for IPXE /api/v3/get_host_ipxe endpoint * for other cases, we keep the proto of the rule. (forward_proto=False) [FIX] waptagent use_random_uuid [FIX] access violation in tisgrid (when refreshing wads hosts grid) [NEW] add an action (hidden by default, can be added to toolbar) to export wapt hosts inventory to wads hosts inventory. * disable draw selection in certificates grid. * fix some init/clear dv patterns * use grid.addrows instead of + grid.loaddata * removed submenu for wads configuration selection [IMP] waptlicences module: add helper check_exe_signing_certificate(exe_filename: str) -> tuple(str,str) [FIX] waptconsole ad treeview focused node color on Linux [FIX] memleak in waptcrypto TX509CertificatesChainHelper.InitFromPEM [FIX] translation of "forced install on"